Redevelopment opportunities

As a developer, pursuing sites with heritage sensitivities requires a proactive approach from the very start. We’ve recently worked on a prime example in Reading. The location is also sensitive, so do get directly in touch if you want details.

First impressions of potential development can be deceiving. What may seem like an unassuming plot can actually conceal a rich tapestry of heritage. We have worked on a prime example. At face value, the site in question is an area occupied by disused buildings and gardens. But a closer look reveals a location steeped in history and archaeological potential – a veritable time capsule that could unlock new insights into how people lived centuries ago.

With expert advice from the start navigate these constraints while maximising opportunities, through assessments that will:

  • Identify all potential heritage risks and constraints upfront
  • Avoid costly reworks and delays by addressing issues early
  • Build robust planning cases highlighting public benefits
  • Inform sensitive designs that respect and enhance heritage assets
  • Facilitate stakeholder buy-in and community support.

Come to seek our advice [and in this case, legal advice] early in the process so we can inform you of both constraints and opportunities that must be carefully navigated.

The key heritage constraints here are:

  • Location within a Conservation Area, requiring careful consideration of any impacts on the area’s character
  • Proximity to listed buildings and Buildings of Townscape Merit, meaning their settings, and significance must be respected
  • Potential curtilage listing issues, requiring specialist legal advice
  • Buried archaeology, requiring archaeological expertise.

On the other hand, the opportunities include:

  • A smaller, rather than larger plot has greater potential in this case
  • Financial returns after initial capital outlay
  • A great location in which it is possible to deliver sustainable housing in line with local policies.

Risk assess to address heritage impacts. Initial financial outlay avoids the risks costly reworks, conflicts with authorities, reputational damage, and a failure to optimise the site’s potential.
Engage heritage consultants before acquiring the site or finalising plans. Their expertise can:

  • Identify constraints and flag risks early
  • Avoid expensive redesigns later
  • Build a robust planning case highlighting public benefits
  • Unlock opportunities through sensitive design
  • Facilitate stakeholder buy-in and community support.

Get in touch. Initial consultation is free and site visits with additional advice can be arranged at an hourly rate.


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